Blog / Top 7 Online Resources To Understand the Android Development Platform

  • September 6, 2016
  • admin
  • Android Apps

An open-source platform, Android, can be used in a large number of ways, and there is no restriction of entry. This is a golden opportunity for new Android App Developers who wants to create their own app and market it on the Google store. So, whether you are working in a mobile app development world or looking to learn Android development platform, here is a list of 7 best online Android development training resources.

1. Developer Android: Officially introduced by the Google, it is one of the best Android development resource page than contains all the details you need for app development. Additionally, there is also a training modules, helping in the development of an Android app from scratch.

2. Vogella: It has a huge collection of free Android tutorials that consists everything from the basics to more advanced techniques. All the tutorials are written quite well and in user-friendly manner.

3. My Life with Android: It is a blog site, but looks like a developer’s diary. Although, it is a great resource to resolve various issues during Android app development, but it may consist some common errors. Still it is a valuable resource, and you might be capable to learn something extra.

4. Technotalkative: Owner of this site, Paresh Mayani, collected all the articles and tutorials written by him at one spot. Some tutorials are absolutely free for android developers and cover specific aspects of Android app development with the solemn objective to provide in-depth answers to particular queries.

5. The New Boston: If you are more interested in visual tutorials, then you must try the informative collection of The New Boston’s. The New Boston has more than 200 Android app development video tutorials. With the help of these free version video tutorials, you find yourself too confident and able to work your way.

6. The New Circle: Android Bootcamp Series 2012: It is a free video series, developed during Marakana’s Android Bootcamp Sessions. A complimentary slide-show is also included with this video series. Divided in the series of 29 part, it will educate you throughly about Android development environment.

7. Treehouse: It is a subscription based website with an informative tutorials that will offer you extensive information about Android app development. Once you subscribe their services, you can explore all their complete courses at the best of your comfort.